Trailer and Synopsis

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Trailer Transcript

0:00 Alexia

[Audio] Breaking character -

[Visual] Close up of Alexia, a little person, sitting in a casting chair in front of a white backdrop.

0:01 Tai

[Audio] Breaking character -

[Visual] Full view of Tai, a wheelchair user, in front of a white backdrop. With a boom mic and videographer filming them.

0:02 Cat

[Audio] Means to me -

[Visual] Close up of Catherine, a Deaf person, sitting in a casting chair in front of a white backdrop, while signing "Means to me" in ASL.

0:03 Rachel

[Audio] To me means *laughing* I'm kidding.

[Visual] Close up of Rachel, a person with EDS, sitting in a casting chair in front of a white backdrop, laughing.

0:05 Caeden

[Audio] *clap of a film slate* It's breaking out of what others see you as.

[Visual] Close up of Caeden, a person who is Hard of Hearing, sitting in a casting chair in front of a white backdrop, clapping a film slate. Scene cuts to a close up of Caeden putting on their hearing aid in the mirror.

0:08 Rachel

[Audio] Being free to be a model, musician, and not worrying what people will think about me disability-wise.

[Visual] First clip of Rachel walking down a path outside with their cane. Second clip Rachel is posing with photographers as they kick while leaning on their cane. Third clip of Rachel performing with a mic and guitar. Fourth clip of Rachel in a bilboard window. Fifth clip of Rachel on their phone outside in the city.

0:16 Alexia

[Audio] As an actor, break that preconceived notion of what a little person is.

[Visual] First clip of a dynamic shot of Alexia on stage with lights around them. Second clip of Alexia recording audio expressively in a studio. Third clip of Alexia jumping on a trampoline.

0:21 Dan

[Audio] I'm Dan, I'm not "Blind Dan." I'm more than just a set of broken eyes.

[Visual] First clip of Dan, a person who is Blind, walking down the street with their white cane. Second clip of Dan doing stand up comedy, while an audience claps.

0:27 Narrator

[Audio] Watch Breaking Character on AMI TV.

[Visual] The Breaking Character logo animates broken shards coming together, then clips to the AMI TV logo.

Series Synopsis

In the past decade, less than three percent of films featured a character with a disability. And, more often than not, these rarest of roles have been taken by neuro-typical and able-bodied actors. But the industry is at a tipping point as it feels the push for a more inclusive representation. Major broadcasters have committed to auditioning actors with disabilities. Advertisers are creating campaigns that reflect disabilities in a relatable manner while promoting their products. Those leading the fight aren’t just the ones in front of the camera but the people representing them.

Breaking Character follows six performers with disabilities making waves in their field as they face their own personal crossroads.

This candid 10-part serial documentary captures the journey of these mould-breaking performers as they navigate the fast-paced and sometimes cutthroat entertainment industry in Hollywood North. Each episode features two or three of the performers, delving into their daily life, and taking us behind the scenes as they go through the audition process, hone their craft, eagerly await news of whether or not they get the gig, and adapt to the pressures of life in the business.

WHen to Watch

Wednesdays at 8pm EST on AMI-tv

Contact Us

Please visit the Winterhouse Films website to contact us. Or follow Breaking Character on social media for the latest news.